©Jaime Acker
A New Masculine Eye
Over time I have drawn inspiration from painters, performance-based artists and photographers about social inversions, difference, and Institutional Critique. This has formed my vision of photography as a visual language.
Within my practice I have found that the way we assemble our appearance is based on a logical social construct that equates female and feminine, and male and masculine. Any logical structure can be disassembled and reformed into something different. This observation has led me to invert my appearance by dressing in drag, critique stereotypes of the body with instant prints, and now capturing the female gaze. These ideas have emerged from my studies of Post Structuralist Feminist author’s critique of language that it inscribes dominant patriarchal desires upon women’s bodies.
I intensely admire authors such as Amelia Jones, Karin Lesnik Oberstein, Anne Carson, and Octavio Paz. My admiration comes from the way these authors interpret the body in relation to ideas of love and eroticism, describing a new understanding of the relationship masculine desire has with others. As the work continues, I hope to share a different masculine eye that recognizes the agency of others as something to be cared for and respected.